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Personal Assistance service

In our Personal Assistance Service, your wellness is the most important. We strive to create an environment in which you feel care, valued and respected.

Entendemos que cada individuo es único, con necesidades y deseos personales. Es por eso que nuestro equipo de ayudantes domiciliarios y asistentes personales altamente capacitados se dedica a proporcionar un cuidado y compañía individualizados.

Regain your independence, and quality of life with the support of our service. Let us be your companion in this stage of life, providing the support you need while maintaining your autonomy.

Among the personal assistance services that we offer, we can highlight:

Support in the grooming and personal hygiene

(Cambios de pañal y cambios posturales)

Development and/or support in food

(preparation of diets according to medical indications and planning of hours of meals)


(Walks, motivation, and stimulation of the person served)


Activities fine motor and gross motor

(foster coordination, the relief emotional, symmetry, among others)

Transportation and pick-up at day care centers

(on foot or in a carriage or hygiene tasks before you go to the same)
